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Revaluation – Representations to the Valuation Manager Complete, What now?

Proposed Valuation Certs issued from the Valuation office went out to Commercial Businesses on the 10th of March 2017. This Certificate states the “Proposed Valuation” (Net Annual Value) for each property which will come into effect for the year 2018 as part of its on-going programme to revalue all such properties within the State.

Any Business that was unhappy with the Valuation Certificate had an opportunity to make representations to the Valuation Manager by the 18th April 2017. O’Neill & Co received a high number of requests and had been very busy the last number of weeks dealing with the Client representations to the Valuation Manager.

What happens now?

Following consideration of your representations, the Valuation Office will send you a final Valuation Certificate. This will be the basis for the commercial rates that will be levied on your property by the local authority from 2018 onwards.

What if I am dissatisfied with the outcome of my representations to the valuation manager?

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your representations to the Valuation Office, there is a right of appeal to the Valuation Tribunal an independent body set up to settle disputed valuations between the Valuation Office and ratepayers or local authorities.

Who is the Valuation Tribunal?

The Tribunal is an independent statutory body which hears appeals against decisions of the Commissioner of Valuation on the valuation and revaluation of commercial properties for rating purposes under the Valuation Act 2001.

If you are concerned or have question regarding this process Darac from O’Neill & Co. can offer advice in this area. O’Neill & Co provide a specialised rating service should you wish to discuss any aspect, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 045 856604.

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