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Ethics, impartiality and confidentiality are at the heart of all professional services. Any valuation advice we provide is based on our ‘Four Cornerstones’ principle: Accuracy, Reliability, Quality and Objectivity.

O’Neill & Co. conduct valuations on behalf of all major banks and lending institutions, and are panel valuers for all major banks in Ireland.

Accurate valuations play a vital part in property acquisitions and disposals. Our service includes current values and opinions of the projected value of developments on completion and suggestions on how to improve a property’s performance and return.

Our reports and recommendations can assist with raising capital against assets.

Our Valuation Service Includes:

  1. Independent Property Valuations Across All Sectors.
  2. Valuation of Property Types Ranging From Small Single Buildings to Large Portfolios.
  3. Valuation Services on Properties Throughout Ireland.
  4. Determination of Means for Restructuring During Changing Market Conditions to Extract Best Value.

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