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Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

Navigating the complex area of compulsory purchase orders can be challenging. Our team‘s robust knowledge of property and valuation means we can offer strategic advice on all types of schemes and projects.

Compulsory Purchase Orders in Ireland are used by County Councils and Local authorities to acquire property and land for construction of motorways or roads or for the laying of pipelines for sewage or water. Under a complex code of legislation dating back over 150 years, affected property owners are entitled to compensation for their losses arising including professional fees and legal costs.

Services Include:

  1. Advice Regarding All Statutory Notifications.
  2. Analysing the Legal Entitlement to Compensation Under Each Particular Type of Scheme.
  3. Preparation / Submission of Claim for Compensation.
  4. Negotiating Compensation Settlements Including Accommodation Works.
  5. Arbitration and Court.
  6. Representation of Affected Parties for a Road or Pipe Laying Scheme.

If you have been affected by a CPO please contact us:

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