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Why Being Optimistic Helps Gets Things Done

2014 will be a good year for the property market and the year that blogging came to O’Neill & Co.

New Year resolutions. Have you made any?

14 days into the New Year, how are you doing?

Well, I made one which I am determined to keep. This blog – my first – represents just part it. I feel that things are picking up in the property markets (these words may come back to hang me later in the year!) and I want to make sure that O’Neill & Co is poised to make the most of the upswing. So, my new year’s resolution is to do some marketing, which involves writing a regular blog and getting to grips with Twitter.

Where are my customers?

I’ve been thinking about where potential buyers and sellers hang out. What are their go-to sources of information? You don’t need to be a sociologist to figure out that the World Wide Web is where it’s at, but even that is so vast. Every month Google processes 100 billion queries. I don’t need 100 billion people to see the properties I have available, but I need some of them. How do I reach the right people?

I’ve learnt that coming up with a marketing strategy really forces you to think about your business and be really precise: who is my customer exactly? What exactly can I do for them? Rather than thinking about what service I provide, I’ve got to think about what my customer needs and how I can help them with it.

What do you want to know?

So, what can I help you with? Blogging is a big part of the marketing plan. So, tell me what you want to know about. If there are any burning issues you’d like addressed, anything you would like tips on, how-to guides, anything like that, just let me know.

The Irish State has waved goodbye to the Troika, regained its economic sovereignty and consumer confidence is creeping back, slowly but steadily, so there is a lot to be optimistic about. How optimistic am I about keeping this blog going? I heard the best way to achieve something is to just get started, and I have. Tweet me your blog ideas! Find me on Twitter @oneillandcoNY_resolution

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