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To Let Naas Enterprise Park Industrial Unit

Naas Enterprise Park, just off the M7 motorway at Junction 10 Naas South, on the southern side of the R445 from Naas to Newbridge and offers the ease of access to the M7 motorway leading to all arterial routes to the north, west and south of the country. Occupiers include well known national and international companies such as DSV, BMW, HSE and Primark. The subject property occupies a prominent position on Maple Drive.


The property comprises a terraced industrial unit which includes offices and staff facilities, with loading/unloading to rear. The warehouse is accessible via an electric roller shutter door and benefits from an intruder alarm system. The property extends to 442 sq m (4761 sq ft)


We have been instructed to quote €30,000 per annum exclusive.


To arrange a viewing of the property please contact:


O’Neill & Co: Darac O’Neill 045 856 604, Email:

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