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Former RIC Barracks in Rathangan sells by auction

A period property dating back to c1790 has sold by auction for €156,000. The 3-storey protected structure is a former RIC barracks which later became a Garda Station. Located on the Main St in Rathangan the building has been in disrepair for several years.

The property extends to 2,332 sq feet above ground with another 455 sq ft in the basement. It is full of character and has many period features remaining including timber sash windows, cast iron rainwater goods and even former cells in the basement.  A large garden extends out the back.

“We had a huge amount of interest in this property and with restoration it will make a beautiful family home or a base for a commercial enterprise. We’d like to wish the new owners well with their plans and we look forward to the building being restored to its former glory.” Darac O’Neill

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