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EU Climate Action

Europe is working hard to cut its greenhouse gas emissions substantially while encouraging other nations and regions to do likewise. The key priority for the European Union is to prevent dangerous climate change. Key targets to be reached by 2020 include a 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990, 20% of total energy consumption from renewable energy and 20% increase in energy efficiency.

The EU Climate Action and Energy commissioner Miguel Arias Canete has recently conceded that Ireland is likely to fail in meeting its targets to reduce carbon emissions by 20% before 2020 and may result in Ireland being penalized by the EU. Data from the Environmental Protection Agency shows emissions in 2020 will be 5% to 12% below 2005 levels regretfully well below the 20% reduction target. One of the main contributing factors is emissions from agriculture which is double the rest of the European Union. It is over 40% and that is unique.

Climate Action is a worldwide issue and it makes us think what we can do to help the environment. As a small firm, we feel that we can make an impact with small changes that can make a difference such online brochures for clients, printing double-sided by default, recycling, motion sensor lighting and even walking to our meetings in Naas town. No matter how big or small, there are ways to take green initiatives in your company to benefit the environment.

O’Neill & Co. Green Office Top Tips:

  • Use Natural Light where possible
  • Turn off lights when not in use or Install Motion Sensor lighting
  • Recycle all unused paper even empty biscuit packets!
  • Buy indoor plants – they absorb airborne pollutants and emit oxygen into the air
  • Use Green Cleaning Products
  • Buy in Bulk such as sugar, tea and coffee
  • Eliminate Paper Towels in the kitchen and bathroom and buy hand towels and tea towels
  • Eliminate Screen Savers – set computer to power off when not In use
  • Power Down all computers at night and turn off all switches when not in use – Standby power (or phantom power) is a huge — and hugely unnecessary — environmental culprit and expense.

We are just custodians of our plant for the generations to follow …. so best take of care of what we’ve got.

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