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Eirgrid – will your land / property in Kildare and Meath be affected by underground cabling?

Eirgrid Kildare-Meath
Eirgrid Kildare-Meath

Eirgrid have proposed 4 potential routes through which they will lay underground cables to address the expected shortfall in electricity supply in the eastern region.

The Kildare-Meath EirGrid Upgrade is a high-capacity connection between Dunstown substation near Two Mile House in Kildare and Woodland substation near Batterstown in Meath.

The lengths of the four options range from 47km to 51km. While most of the cable route in each option can be laid in the road network, each will require some of the route to be constructed off-road. These off-road corridors range from 5km to 12km and are currently being investigated and analysed by the EirGrid project team.

The 12-week consultation started on Tuesday, August 31 and the public is invited to have their say on the preferred route option.

O’Neill & Co will continue to observe and participate in the consultation process, voicing concerns on behalf of a number of their clients, from industrial estate tenants and owners to private land owners.

If you are a property owner along any of the 4 proposed routes, your land may be subject to a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the EirGrid upgrade. Find out more about CPOs Should your land be subject to please contact one of our expert team:

To view the 4 routes currently under consideration:

To view the four route options or to sign up to a webinar, visit can be made at, by freepost or email at

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