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Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs)

Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) are used by County Councils and other statutory bodies to acquire property and land for construction of motorways or roads or for the laying of pipelines for sewage or water. Under a complex code of legislation dating back over 150 years, affected property owners are entitled to compensation for their losses arising including professional fees and legal costs.

The current compulsory purchase system is complex and can be a formidable experience for individual property owners, involving public enquirers, official notices with time limits, complex terms and unfamiliar terminology. The land owner served with a Compulsory Purchase Order has the right to object, make representations, negotiate and refer their claims to a property arbitrator.

As soon as you become aware that your property is affected by a CPO process, you should seek the advice of a chartered surveyor experienced in the area of compulsory purchase. The fees charged by a chartered surveyor are part of the normal claim for compensation.

A chartered surveyor experienced in the area of compulsory purchase will be able to assess the compensation payable to clients affected by a compulsory acquisition and to negotiate for the affected property/ land owners, in order to ensure their full entitlement to compensation.

The team at O’Neill & Co have extensive knowledge and experience in the area of CPOs. For further information and advice on CPOs contact:

Darac O’Neill

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